becoming watchmen



Lessons from “Charlie” Company, Vietnam

Many Christian Men today seem an awful lot like the men of Charlie Company in Vietnam, watching our friends and loved ones fall due to violence, sickness and disease, accidents, psychological diagnosis, and addiction. And yet, we still can’t determine where the enemy is. Nothing tangible to blame. To the point where we just stand up and shout and yell at someone or something to come out and fight face-to-face.

We tend to blame God for our miss fortune coming our way because it seems to be the only thing that seems reasonable when you can’t see an enemy. To blame someone else for something we can’t control. Satan seems to be picking at us and those around us but then disappears like a ghost in the jungle. We are often left in frustration and confusion not knowing where the enemy is while we know the darkness is watching us from afar, laughing at us Christians running around terrified, confused, and angry.

Most of us have come to the point that we either give up or we stand up and scream at the enemy to come out and fight us straight on, but they never do. It’s become a war of attrition and psychological warfare that we need to remember how to fight against and prepare for.



“The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity.”

‭‭- Micah‬ ‭7:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Poem of a watchman

“You created us for companionship,

Oh God, for the sharing of burdens,

For the joining of celebrations,

For the breaking of bread in fellowship,

And so it is not unnatural

That we should taste particular for sorrows.

Be with me and linger.

Reveal your presence to me, oh Lord.

Sit with me as my father.

Sit with me as my king.

Sit with me as my shepherd.

Join me as my friend.”