Summary of the 10/40 Window and World Evangelism Statistics:
The 10/40 Window
The 10/40 Window refers to a rectangular area across northern Africa and Asia, located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator.
Christian missions strategist Luis Bush coined this term to represent areas with limited access to the gospel.
World Evangelism Statistics:
Highlighted countries within the 10/40 window. Source:
97% of the population in the 55 least evangelized countries resides within the 10/40 Window.
Only about 10% of the global missionary force works in this region due to governmental restrictions.
Two-thirds of the world's population (over 4.4 billion people) lives in the 10/40 Window.
Approximately 90% of the people in this region are unevangelized, with limited access to the Gospel.
Cross-cultural evangelism is often required because there are people groups with no church movements relevant to their culture.
While unreached, the 10/40 Window is not necessarily unreachable, as there are instances of Christian growth and access to Christian programming in some countries.
85% of the 10/40 Window population is among the world's poorest.
World Religions:
The 10/40 Window is home to major world religions, including Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Half of the world's least evangelized cities are within this region.
Statistical Data on Unreached People Groups / Prayer Points:
865 million unreached Muslims in 3,330 cultural sub-groups.
550 million unreached Hindus in 1,660 cultural sub-groups.
148 million unreached Chinese in 445 groups.
275 million unreached Buddhists in 900 groups.
2,550 unreached tribal groups (mainly animistic) with a total population of 140 million.
17 million Jews scattered across 134 countries are another unreached group.
China has seen rapid Christian expansion, with 10,000 new converts daily.
tip: “Unreached People Group of the Day”
Provides a daily photo and description of an unreached people group to raise awareness.
These statistics emphasize the challenges and opportunities in the 10/40 Window for spreading the Gospel to unreached populations.