Ex-convicts in the jungles of Nigeria sharing the gospel

Stories From the Jungle

Report from "House of Hope", Jenta Mangoro, Nigeria

City Ministries in Jos Nigeria has been working fervently to expand their reach into the jungles of Northern Nigeria to reach more Fulani Muslims in the North. Our latest report from City Ministries, and our friend, Peter Fretheim, is that the jungle ministry continues to grow! They have developed "Recovery Fellowships" in two notorious jungles, Angwan Soya and Jenta Mangoro. In addition, they have helped to start groups in Alheri and Farin Gada. When the crisis subsides with the global COVID-19 lockdown, they will be breaking into another jungle behemoth, the Tudun Wada.

House of Hope, main area

House of Hope, main area

By God's Grace, they have been able to establish a Jungle Recovery House in Jenta Mangoro! They have been hosting recovery fellowships for people of all ages and backgrounds to include Bible studies, theology classes, and English classes in the House.
     The Jungle Recovery House in Jenta Mangoro is quickly becoming known in the area and by the people as the "House of Hope" in the Jenta ghetto (the largest slum in the entire state). 
Many of the recovering "Jungelites" have become leaders in the Recovery House. Recently, they have been stocking up on grains and supplies so that they can help the most impoverished of those living in the ghettos and who've been hit the hardest survive this lockdown crisis.

Main room gathering

Main room gathering

These redeemed criminals and thugs are learning what it means to be fully redeemed in God's love; to let their light shine by being the ones dispensing the grains provided not by their own hands but through God's generosity and being the tip of the spear in helping spread the gospel through the jungles of Northern Nigeria during this global COVID-19 crisis. 
     What Satan intended for evil, God uses for good according to His great purpose in preparation for the second coming of Jesus. 

“So you, son of man, I have made a Watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.”
— Ezekiel 33

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