A House Divided Cannot Stand - Matthew 12
Please Read Matthew 12:22-28 in your Bibles before continuing:
Jesus doesn’t care what political affiliations you have. The Right says this is all conspiracy and you are a sheep if you follow the Left. The left says you need to be woke and to stop being so ignorant of progress. Guess what, both sides are spewing the same rhetoric from their side. Most use the same vernacular and ways to describe what’s going on. As someone I greatly admire once put it, We’ve found ourselves in a “national mudsling” as the middle and moderate voters in America are drowned out by the war drums of the Red and Blue mainstream media.
Those of you who say the other side is racist, ignorant, sheep, blind, zombies, asleep, not-woke... I say to you, take a look in the mirror or listen to yourself. You are following in-step with everything your party’s propaganda machine is cranking out 24/7. If we don’t put down the shovels and stop digging party-line trenches like a good little populous, doing as we are told; the same body of government that has been running our country into the ground will continue to divide us against one another until they have divided us on everything — until there is no longer any moderates left in the United States.
If you truly wish to be woke and not sheep, stop listening to the same propaganda machines that wish to put you against your neighbor. There’s no love. There’s no peace — only Us vs. Them. If you’re not able to take a moment to look at history and see the similarities in the downfall of great nations, you will have a front-row seat to the fall of ours.
#thekingdomofgod #mercy #strength #armorofgod #holyspirit #pray #peace #grace #BLM #forgiveness #jesuslovesyou #godislove #liberal #conservative #staywoke #QANON #trump2020 #biden2020